71 - 80 of 489 results

Silent Threat

Book #1
A former Navy SEAL, Cole Makani Hunter has returned home from a disastrous black ops mission without his best friend, his hearing, or the use of his right arm. So when his ex-commanding officer assigns him to an undercover mission at a rehab center for vets to discover who leaked sensitive military information to an enemy, he'd rather be anywhere but there. Almost immediately, Cole finds himself at odds with Annie Murray--a peace-loving ecotherapist whose dream is to open an animal sanctuary out of her home. While the two seemingly have nothing in common, their spirited arguments soon fuel a passion for each other. But just as things begin to heat up between therapist and patient, dangerous complications arise. So does the past--and a shocking revelation that puts Cole and everything he now holds dear in the path of a murderous traitor.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

What my Sister Knew

"I look up at the TV screen, and my twin brother's face is splashed across it, life-size. It's a shock that makes my breath catch. This is my brother as an adult, my brother who I last saw fifteen years ago after the fire that killed our parents, covered in soot, clutching a lighter in his hand, his knuckles stark white against the dirt and ash. Everyone always said he'd grow up to be a heartbreaker. But his face has gone gaunt instead. The stubble on his cheeks and chin is patchy, and his eyes look dull and dark. My first thought is that it's not him. Not my beautiful brother, the golden boy who everyone loved. Yet, deep down, I've always known this would eventually happen. What did you do this time, Eli? What the hell did you do?"

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

High Treason *trade p/back*

Book #3

Book #1 Deep Extraction, Book #2 Deep Encounter. When Saudi Prince Omar bin Talal visits Houston to seek cancer treatment for his mother, an attempt on his life puts all agencies on high alert. FBI Special Agent Kord Davidson is the lead on the prince's protective detail because of their long-standing friendship, but he's surprised when the CIA brings one of their operatives, Monica Alden, in on the task force after the assassination attempt. Kord and Monica must quickly put aside interagency squabbles, when they learn the prince has additional motives for his visit-plans to promote stronger ties with the US and encourage economic growth and westernization in his own country. Plans that could easily incite a number of suspects both in the US and in countries hostile to Saudi Arabia. Worse yet, the would-be assassin always seems to be one step ahead of them, implicating someone close to the prince-or the investigation. But who would be willing to commit high treason, and can Kord and Monica stop them in time?

Delivery weight: 0.66 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

I'll Stay

There are some decisions you can never unmake. You can only atone for them-or try to. During her senior year of college, Clare Michaels takes a spring break trip to Florida with three other girls, including her best friend, Lee. She's hoping for adventure and a few stories to share back at school. Instead, a string of bad choices leads to a horrific encounter, and Lee offers herself up so that Clare can escape. In the weeks and months that follow that fateful incident, Lee, once so dynamic and ambitious, flounders and withdraws. Clare was the only person to whom she'd ever confided about her troubled past. For Clare, that role felt like an honor--until it became a burden. Now she's trying to make amends for her momentary selfishness by taking care of Lee--just as she's been taking care of her high-strung mother, whose bestselling novel has been both windfall and curse. Years pass, circumstances change, and contact between Clare and Lee ebbs and flows, but the events of that night in Florida are impossible to escape. They keep dragging Clare back--forcing her to confront what really happened, and her part in it, in hopes of untangling guilt from loyalty and earning forgiveness at last.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Lucky Ones

They called themselves "the lucky ones"

They were seven children either orphaned or abandoned by their parents and chosen by legendary philanthropist and brain surgeon Dr. Vincent Capello to live in The Dragon, his almost magical beach house on the Oregon Coast. Allison was the youngest of the lucky ones living an idyllic life with her newfound family...until the night she almost died and was then whisked away from the house and her adopted family forever. Now, thirteen years later, Allison receives a letter from Roland, Dr. Capello's eldest son, warning her that their father is ill and in his final days. Allison knows she must go home again and confront the ghosts of her past. She's determined to find out what really happened that fateful night--was it an accident, or, as she's always suspected, did one of her beloved family members try to kill her? But digging into the past can reveal horrific truths, and when Allison pieces together the story of her life, she learns the terrible secret at the heart of the family she once loved but never really knew.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Dealing Double

Book #2
Book #1 Seeing Double. Archaeologist Gabby Knight has
been living under an assumed identity to steer clear of her
mobster father's enemies. But when she suspects her
father of plotting to steal a priceless statue buried in New
Mexico, she risks everything and sets out for the desert to
beat him to it-and to save him from making a grave mistake. Breaking
into a secluded cabin to wait out a blizzard, she's not worried about
visitors. It's not like anyone would be traveling in this kind of weather
right? Wrong. Detective Jake Morris has been ordered to take an
overdue vacation, so he's looking for some quiet time in the isolated
retreat. But getting clobbered over the head by an auburn-haired
firecracker wielding a cast-iron pan wasn't the relaxing start he had in
mind. Using a lot of charm and a little help from his prophetic ex-wife,
Dani, he soon discovers who the intruder really is. Serving justice is in
Jake's blood, so he can't help but join Gabby on her quest to protect the
statue. To do his job, Jake knows he can flirt but not fall. After all, what
kind of future could a cop and a mobster's daughter hope to have?

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Flash Fire

Book #2

Book #1 Forced Disappearance. When an American teenager disappears abroad, Clara Roberts, a by-the-book investigator on a secret mission, joins forces with Light Walker, an ex-SEAL turned lawless mercenary, to save her. The sparks they generate-and the trouble they stir up-threaten to set the jungle ablaze. As attraction grows into love, looming danger turns into all-out war, and the whole region explodes around them. Clara and Walker must hold on to each other and race against time to survive.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Girl in the Water

Book #3

After the death of his wife and sons, Army vet Ian Slaney is a shadow of his former self. On the path of self-destruction, his friend's disappearance in South America pulls Ian back from the ledge. He rushes to Brazil, only to discover that his friend was murdered. The single lead in the case is also the biggest obstacle-Daniela, a woman very much in need of protection, with a host of secrets hidden in her past. As the two of them track down clues they draw the attention of the wrong people, and danger follows them back to the US. Ian wants the murderers. Daniela wants Ian to acknowledge the passion between them. But convincing Ian to set aside his protective instincts proves difficult.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Color Me Murder

Book #1

By day, Florrie Fox manages Color Me Read bookstore in Georgetown, Washington D.C. By night, she creates her own intricately detailed coloring books for adults, filling the pages with objects that catch her eye. There's plenty of inspiration in her new apartment--a beautiful carriage house belonging to Professor John Maxwell, Florrie's boss. He offers the property to Florrie rent-free with one condition--she must move in immediately to prevent his covetous sister and nephew from trying to claim it. When the professor's nephew, Delbert, arrives, he proves just as sketchy as Florrie feared. But the following morning, Delbert has vanished. It's not until she visits the third floor of the store that Florrie makes a tragic discovery--there's a trap door in the landing, and a dead Delbert inside. The esteemed Professor Maxwell is an obvious suspect, but Florrie is certain this case isn't so black and white. Doodling clues, she begins to consider other colorful characters on the scene, all with a motive for murder. With a killer drawing closer, Florrie will need to think outside the lines . . . before death makes his mark again. Includes A Front and Back Cover for You to Color!

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Bengal Identity

Book #2

Book #1 The Persian Always Meows Twice. With no ID for his pet, a young man shows up at Cassie's Comfy Cats claiming his house has burned down and he needs to board his cat, Ayesha. But after a bath washes dye out of the cat's coat and reveals spots, Cassie suspects the exotic feline may in fact be a valuable Bengal show cat, possibly stolen. At the same time, there are rumored sightings of a "wild cat" in the hills of Chadwick, New Jersey. When Ayesha's alleged owner turns up dead, it looks like whoever wants the Bengal is not pussyfooting around. Working with the police, Cassie and her staff need to be careful not to reveal the purebred's whereabouts while they make inquiries find her real owners. But after a break-in attempt it's clear someone let the cat out of the bag. And when a second body is found, it's up to Cassie to spot the killer.

Delivery weight: 0.66 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense
71 - 80 of 489 results