151 - 160 of 489 results

The Babysitter

In River Glen, Oregon, rumors are spreading about the Babysitter Stalker. One victim was fatally stabbed. A second fell--or was pushed--from a rooftop deck. High school sophomore Jamie Whelan, scheduled to watch the Ryerson twins tonight, isn't worried. She's more interested in the party she'll go to later, as soon as her sister Emma arrives to take over babysitting duties. But nothing goes according to plan. Twenty years after that night's vicious attack, Emma remains scarred in body and mind. Jamie, back in River Glen after their mother's death, still feels guilty over trading places that fateful evening. Then suddenly another young babysitter is attacked. Jamie, with a teenage daughter of her own, fears something much more twisted than coincidence. Is this new nightmare connected with those long-ago crimes? Emma's fractured memories may contain the answer. But the deeper Jamie digs, the darker the secrets waiting to be uncovered--and avenged.

Delivery weight: 0.22 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Cardinal Rule


When CIA Agent Alisha MacAleer's cover is blown by ex-lover Frank Reichart, she's forced into a spy game that draws a curtain back on a world she never even suspected existed. The clandestine Sicarii have hired Brandon Parker, the brilliant, estranged son of Alisha's handler, to develop an artificial intelligence capable of enforcing their divine right to rule. No one, not even Brandon's father, imagines he can do it--not until Alisha herself faces one of the AI's battle drones in combat. It's suddenly a race between the CIA, the Sicarii, and Alisha's mercenary ex, to see who can keep--or steal--the AI for themselves. No matter which way Alisha turns, she faces new dangers and heartbreaking betrayals. In the end, she has no choice but to adhere to the cardinal rule. Trust no one but yourself.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Firebird Deception


Book #1 The Cardinal Rule. Agent Alisha MacAleer has put the past behind her as best she can, but her trust in the CIA is no longer what it was...and the Agency's faith in Alisha is fractured, too.When a mission goes sideways-again-thanks to her ex-lover Frank Reichart, Alisha's loyalties are called into question. Furious to learn that brilliant but treacherous Brandon Parker is back developing the next generation of his sophisticated artificial intelligences, assigned to desk duty, and sure that there are answers that only she can get to, Alisha is left with an impossible choice. She can follow orders, or she can strike out on her own to uncover Brandon's intentions, Reichart's secrets, and the hidden mastermind behind the game she's been drawn into-a mastermind whose identity she suspects, but could never guess. With no support, no resources, and no safety net, Alisha must believe that honor can survive a trial by fire.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Phoenix Law


Book #1 The Cardinal Rule, Book #2 The Firebird Deception. Alisha MacAleer left the spy game months ago, but when Brandon Parker appears on her doorstep, Alisha is forced to draw on old skills and contacts to give him the help he needs. His latest AI project has taken an exponential leap toward self-awareness, and every agency and organization on the planet wants it. Furthermore, they don't care who they go through to get it-even if that includes Alisha's family. Furious, Alisha turns to Frank Reichart-but she's all too aware that if the only person she can trust is the ex-fiance who once shot her, the chances of making it out of an international game of cat-and-mouse alive grow increasingly slim. Still, she thinks she just might make it until the one target she let get away reappears in a position of such power that it changes everything. Caught between family, duty, and the right thing to do, Alisha realizes that the only way to change the world is to bring the whole system down around her and hope that what doesn't burn, grows stronger.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Annies Rainbow *republish*

(ORIG 1999)
It came out of the blue. A half-million dollars on graduation day.
For Annie Daisy Clark, it was the capital she needed to start a
business and secure her future. Vowing to pay back every penny
of it one day, she kept the bag of cash she'd found, and never
looked back. Ten years later, Annie's investment has paid off. The
owner of a successful chain of elegant coffee bars, she is blissfully
engaged and about to return triumphant to Boston for her ten-year college
reunion. She also begins making good on her promise to pay back the money
with anonymous monthly payments. But just as Annie's life seems complete,
the dark history of the money returns to haunt her. Someone is determined
to solve the mystery of a ten-year-old bank robbery, and an enraged thief
who has served his time is coming to reclaim his loot. Suddenly, Annie is
plunged into a deadly chase, using her wits to keep her world from unraveling
and to protect the one thing she values most--the priceless gift of love.

Delivery weight: 0.44 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Hacker


Book #1 The Money Man. Dawn Galioto is an expert in self-defense and the most in-demand personal trainer at her Jersey gym--a perfect position for a woman fighting her way out of a troubled past and the anxieties that come with it. Then, after complaints about baffling Wi-Fi glitches at the gym, Dawn calls in disarmingly hot, high-powered computer consultant Leland Rockwell. If she can trust anyone to fix her on-the-job problems, it's Leland. As for healing her off-hours fears, time will tell. The cybersecurity genius of KRG, Leland sees a lot to admire in Dawn. She's strong, quick-witted, and sexy. And something of a puzzle--one Leland wants very much to solve. If only she'd let him. Every new reveal brings him intimately closer to Dawn, but there's another, more dangerous riddle to decipher. After going undercover to solve her Wi-Fi problem, Leland's found a dark workplace secret. As Dawn's past threatens a burgeoning romance, the deepening mystery they're discovering threatens their lives.

Delivery weight: 0.66 kg

Browse these categories as well: Contemporary, Crime / Suspense

The Money Man


New Jersey bookkeeper Alice Thurber has a carefully constructed risk-free life. Everything in perfect balance. Until little discrepancies show up in her clients' accounts. Most would ignore it. Not Alice. In desperation she reaches out to a high-powered consulting firm for help. New York City's movie-star handsome financial wizard Derek Killion reaches back. All he has to do is smile and Alice's fantasies stir. A girl can dream, can't she? A cofounder of KRG, Derek's promise is to advise small-business owners in trouble. He never guessed that assisting Alice would be so captivating and make it so hard to keep his desires in check. But just as intriguing is the alarming puzzle behind the computer glitch that's unsettled his client. As the investigation unfolds, they must also confront an attraction too palpable to ignore. Every new twist they follow is only bringing them closer together.

Delivery weight: 0.66 kg

Browse these categories as well: Contemporary, Crime / Suspense

The Shark *Reissue*


(ORIG 05/16) At the grisly murder scene of a teen prostitute, Virginia state trooper Riley Tatum's past roars back to haunt her. When she was a teenage runaway, she was kidnapped, drugged, and left unconscious on the streets. She has no memories of what happened, only strange recurring dreams of two men playing cards. Former FBI agent Clay Bowman, Riley's old flame, is Shield Security's newest member. He's plagued by the unsolved case of a serial killer nicknamed the Shark who murdered girls as part of a sadistic poker game. Only one girl survived. With the Shark now bent on settling that score, Clay has a chilling suspicion: Riley is the girl who escaped the Shark's deadly amusement--and she is his next prey. As the Shark gets ready to play his hand, can Riley and Clay stop him―or will this killer finally claim the one who got away?


Delivery weight: 0.22 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

Flash *Reissue*

(ORIG 10/98)

Olivia Chantry may leave her desk in disarray, but she's a business dynamo--and the success of her Seattle-based company, Light Fantastic, keeps her from dwelling on her crumbled marriage. When Olivia inherits 49 percent of Glow, Inc., her uncle's high-tech lighting firm, she butts heads with the interloper who bagged the other 51 percent: Jasper Sloan, a venture capitalist known as an orderly man with all his ducks in a row. Right from the start, the so-called partners nearly crash and burn--and can barely contain the sexual energy crackling between them. But when they discover a blackmailer uncovering secrets inside Glow, Olivia and Jasper's steamy joint venture faces the acid test of truth...and a need for absolute trust. For when extortion turns to murder, a union of their minds--and hearts--might be their only chance to stay alive.

Delivery weight: 0.22 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense

The Complete Delta Force Shooters *t/p*

*5 IN 1

Start with Target Engaged. “Sound Of Her Warrior Heart” Delta Force operator Katrina Melman’s hearing goes missing when her mission gets blown away. But she’s Delta, the Army doesn’t pay her to fail. Sergeant Tomas Gallagher, the best soldier she’s ever met, only speaks to her in sharp commanding tones. Now she can’t hear him at all. “For Her Dark Eyes Only” Kurt fights as a sniper for Delta Force. Out on the edge, the line often blurs. This time he sees the edge clearly, and must walk right past it. Mira has worked as Kurt’s spotter in Iraq, Yemen, and a dozen other places. This time they are taking on a “friendly” power, but no question exists, her place lies at his side. “Loves Second Chance” Delta Force operator Hector Garcia’s mission as scout for the take-down of a Mexican cartel leads him straight into a gun battle. Hired gun Alejandra Martinez prowls at the heart of it. The woman who told him to leave town five years ago looks and fights even better than back then. “What The Heart Holds Safe” The round that took out the man behind Delta Force sniper D.K. “Deek” Davies missed him by inches. The problem? The man behind him had once been a friend, a friend whos sister changed his future. Cindy Borman’s lifetime of practice shutting away her heart means nothing when faced with the one man who knows her past. “Her Silent Heart And The Open Sky” Delta Force operator Chris Cooper once again stands in the nightmare that is Helmand Province, Afghanistan. His mission: to remove the Taliban leadership, again. Born in the Soviet-Afghan War, trained by the Mujahideen, and the Americans after them, Azadah believes her heart and hope are spent past return.They must fight together if they hope to find Her Silent Heart and the Open Sky.

Delivery weight: 0.66 kg

Browse this category: Crime / Suspense
151 - 160 of 489 results