Q: How many
eBooks are in the Kobo database? And how many titles are available for purchase
in Australia?
A: Kobo's entire library is available to all customers. They currently have
over 3 million eBooks and are constantly updating their library and adding new
releases. Newspapers and magazines are also available for purchase in the Kobo
Q: Are foreign languages like German and Russian
supported on the devices?
A: Foreign languages are supported on the Kobo Glo. As of October
2012, the interface can be set to English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch,
Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian and Portugal) and Italian.
Q: What if I already own an earlier generation Kobo
eReader? Can I shop for eBooks through your store?
A: Yes. You will need to establish a new Kobo account by following the link to
Kobo on our website. Then, when you next use your device, sign out of the old
account and sign in using the new account name. You can then search and
buy eBooks either through the device or through the web, and continue your
much-appreciated support of this store.
Q: What about the Google eBooks already in my
library or on my device?
A: You will continue to be able to access them via your Google account.
However, the IndieBound Reader app was designed specifically to interface with
Google eBooks and will no longer be supported after January 2013. If desired,
you can load your Google eBooks to a new Kobo device using Adobe Digital
Editions. Please see this video, produced by Google, for
a step-by-step guide to transferring your Google eBooks to your new Kobo
Q: Does Kobo allow sharing of books between Kobo
devices, like Kindle and Nook do?
A: At this time it is not possible for a Kobo customer to lend or share eBooks
from their library with another person. The eBooks in your Kobo library
are tied directly to your account and password.
Q: Once purchased, if a book is DRM protected, is
there a limit to the number of downloads?
A: If a file is DRM protected it may be downloaded 6 times in total. This
restriction is set forth by the publisher and is the same for all DRM files.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to support this bookstore and before shopping at the Kobo store, please set up your Kobo account via the links from our website.